So it has been completed. Our first year of wedded bliss. A whole year of Sean and Amber "together forever". Like I said, several people told us that the first year together was going to be the worst. WOW, is all that we have to say, If this is as hard as it gets then I think that we can handle it. Of course me only being home a few days out of the week makes it hard for us to ever have a fight. Of course we have had our ups and downs this year but nothing we coudldn't handle. Ok so here is to One Year together!!!!!! CHEERS!
Below is a pic of us at the Minn State Fair in St Paul. We were sharing a choc milk shake at the dairy barn. AHHHHHHHH it was only like 95 deg that day, so I think that ice cream was fitting.
Next is a lovely pic of some sailboats in Duluth??? These were supposed to be at the middle of this entry but like I said before, I GIVE UP!

Oh look another pic of boats!!!! And of course my gift from my honey! Another collage of the year of happenings. I will never get used to his "homemade" gifts, they will always be special in my heart. You should click on the pic to make it bigger and then you can read everything he wrote.

And we can't forget these origami flowers that he spent all eve making one day while I was at work. Isn't that the cutest thing ever? He found a website dedicated to origami and made them just for me, each one has a differant word on it and it spelled out a saying!

Ok again these pics are not in order. Here we are at a trail at Gooseberry Falls by the beautiful Lake Superior. This was Sean's idea to take this trail from the falls down to the Lake. OK I said but remember the 2 hr parking limit honey!!! Yeah, yeah he said.

The trail went up and then down and then up and then down again. It was really pretty and the temp that day was like 65 deg so it was gorgeous weather. The only bad thing was that we weren't prepared to hike and didn't have any water or anything with us, this will be quick he said. Here we finally made it to the water of Lake Superior. It was nature at her finest. Nice breezes, smells of fish, rocks in our shoes, and oh yeah did I mention the whole nothing to drink thing!

I don't know for sure but I think that this was old Lava that we were walking on. Ok so the hike continues on and we start to see all of these old people with canes walking around and I start to think, how the heck can these old people be walking around up here, we just walked for over an hour to get here. Oh yeah then we see a building and a parking lot. Oh yeah it is a little known secret that you can DRIVE right up to the edge of the lake. Oh well we had fun anyway. So we tried to find a way to keep going on the path and we walk right into a bright orange snow fence that sais trail closed. What the &$#*% now where do we go? So we kept on walking till we found a road and then back to the car. We were both very thirsty and warm and had sore feet but we really enjoyed our little nature hike together. Next time the country girl is goin to read the map back at the visitors center!!!!!!!

Ok so now here we are at the beginning of the Falls. AHHHH how cute.

Me standing at the edge of the water fall and Sean freaking out about it the whole time. He is SOOOO scared of heights.

Ok here we are back at Duluth. This was our first night that we stayed there. The INN on Lake Superior. What a nice hotel. It was very fun and we payed for a room with 2 queens and city view and we got a king size suite with a lake view and kitchen!!!! We were excited. One thing that they do every night from 8-10 is have smores out on the patio, you can't see it but the lake is right behind me, and no I wasn't crabby he took the pic while I was talking to the neighor!

Ok this is the funniest pic that we took, well at least I think so. Sean was standing on the next level down on the boardwalk out to a little light house at Two Harbors, MN. He took my pic and if I don't look like the Jolly green giant here then I don't know who does. The angle was all wrong. We laughed so hard when we saw this pic that I just had to share it with you. That is the iron ore docks behind me where they load coal and iron ore onto HUGE ships.

Here we have a one legged sea gull. Sean thought that it was the cutest thing and just could not figure out why he only had one leg. He really believed it and was even taking a video of it until it put its other leg down. HEHE Sean is so gullable.

Graffiti we saw on one of the lighthouses. Poopie on you shooey is what it says.....HAHA classical funny!

Below is one of Sean's long lost senior pictures that we found. haha

You can not see it here but he was SO scared to go to that side of the sidewalk on the bridge and hold on to the railing that he almost peed his pants.

Here we are waiting for a big ship that was supposed to depart full of grain between 6:30 and 8:30 so we sat on a bench for 2 hours and waited. It never came but we had a great time hanging out together and watching the sail boat races and just being together. It is so funny how we can take for granted all of the time that we get to have together with the people we love the most. Sometimes it is nice to just slow down and watch the world go by together, hand in hand.
PS Sean thinks that this is the best pic he has ever taken! He calls it his supermodel pose!