This is a picture that has absolutely nothing to do with the shower but I just thought that it was so cute. Here is Sean with his nephew Zack when we were over at his sisters house. Zack was in a cuddle-me kind of mood and uncle Sean's lap was just the right fit. Can't you just picture Sean as a father soon? I know that I can :)

Here is a picture of Sean's mom Judy. She was a major part in putting on this shower.

Here is Sean with his favorite gift of the night........or NOT!!!!!!! This was a funny little joke played by Judy. But Sean is going to keep it and perhaps get some puff paint and make it into a Vikings shirt somehow!

Here he is with something a little better. Now that is more like it Judy!!! A vikings blanket and twins blanket. We also got a little winter cap with the TC logo on it. SOOO cute.

Here is the youngest girls at the party. Aren't they so cute? They were so well behaved and had a good time looking at all the baby boy stuff. Kaisa is wearing the pink outfit, Connie is in the brown shirt and Haley is sitting on the floor with the pink t-shirt. They actually all have 3 great smiles all at the same time. Sean and I can't believe how big they are getting. Connie was just a few months old when we met and now she is almost 8!!!!!

Here is a picture of all of the stuff that we got from the Shower. I was overwhelmed by the amount of the gifts. We are getting a little more prepared to meet our little guy, but it seems as though there is still so much that we don't have. Sean spread it all out on our spare bed and I had to take 3 separate pictures so that you can see it all. Make the picts bigger and you can see all of the cute little designs on everything.

Ok so we hadn't had enough so we decided to go to Babies R Us in Maple Grove and we bought the stroller/carseat. This happens to be a model that someone returned simply because they didn't like the fabric and it was never used. That is the one that we wanted and the price was decreased by 50.00 so we jumped on it. We didn't have to put it together and it was cheaper. Sweet!

Here is Sean with his favorite gift of the night........or NOT!!!!!!! This was a funny little joke played by Judy. But Sean is going to keep it and perhaps get some puff paint and make it into a Vikings shirt somehow!

Here he is with something a little better. Now that is more like it Judy!!! A vikings blanket and twins blanket. We also got a little winter cap with the TC logo on it. SOOO cute.

Here is the youngest girls at the party. Aren't they so cute? They were so well behaved and had a good time looking at all the baby boy stuff. Kaisa is wearing the pink outfit, Connie is in the brown shirt and Haley is sitting on the floor with the pink t-shirt. They actually all have 3 great smiles all at the same time. Sean and I can't believe how big they are getting. Connie was just a few months old when we met and now she is almost 8!!!!!

Here is a picture of all of the stuff that we got from the Shower. I was overwhelmed by the amount of the gifts. We are getting a little more prepared to meet our little guy, but it seems as though there is still so much that we don't have. Sean spread it all out on our spare bed and I had to take 3 separate pictures so that you can see it all. Make the picts bigger and you can see all of the cute little designs on everything.