OK so this is the end of the day. We had a bon fire at Mom and Dads house after we went fishing. The pics that I put on here ended up back words so we will start at the end of the day instead of the beginning. The above pic is really not that flattering of me. It was taken after my beloved Sean threw my favorite fire-poking stick into the fire. I was not happy with him and he thought it was funny. Sean however looks really cute I think.

Notice said stick in fire. We also put this huge/gigantic old piece of wood on the fire that happended to be covered with ants. Which brought on a bunch of really lame jokes about ants screaming for help and little tiny ant ambulances coming to rescue them and a bunch of other jokes that just don't need to be repeated.......ever again. Notice the look on Jamies face. Not to sure what he was contemplating, maybe he was trying to think of a song to sing as we went around the campfire and sang old silly songs from days gone by. It was alot of fun. We also had fun listening to the coyotes as they were all howling and it sounded like they were really close. Angel and Dave had their 3 dogs with so we had a time trying to keep them in the yard.
Ok so this is the fish that I caught, (the really big one that is hanging down). Dad caught the next one and the stringer was getting so heavy with all of those fish on it. The weather was beautiful and sunny and just enough breeze to keep the may flies away. The water was very cold. Jamie got his lure stuck about 6 feet off of the shore and couldn't bear to cut the line so I volunteered to walk out in the water and get it. The water was up to my knees and it was very chilly!
Here is Jamie with his fish, the first catch of the day! He was very excited and so were we that there were actually fish in the lake! Dad was teaching Sean how to do something with his pole. Sean loves to learn from him as he doesn't really know a lot about fishing and it is probably best if he learns from dad instead of me as I think that dad has more patience! It also makes Dad feel good when he can feel smart....... right Dad:) I love to see the two of them bonding, making a lasting relationship and to actually have some interests in common. Sean doesn't really know a lot about farming so anything that the two of them can do together is great. I hear that the next thing on the agenda is GOPHER hunting.... Sean is exciting to hold a gun!
This is a pic that was taken after we grilled our lunch at Dave and Angels house. Isn't Sean cute in that shirt. He doesn't wear it very often. It makes him fit in well around the farm. The other pic is of Dad taking a nap under the shade of a big tree. He was just lying there listening to the birds and loving nature. I thought it was cute so I quick snapped a picture.

Notice said stick in fire. We also put this huge/gigantic old piece of wood on the fire that happended to be covered with ants. Which brought on a bunch of really lame jokes about ants screaming for help and little tiny ant ambulances coming to rescue them and a bunch of other jokes that just don't need to be repeated.......ever again. Notice the look on Jamies face. Not to sure what he was contemplating, maybe he was trying to think of a song to sing as we went around the campfire and sang old silly songs from days gone by. It was alot of fun. We also had fun listening to the coyotes as they were all howling and it sounded like they were really close. Angel and Dave had their 3 dogs with so we had a time trying to keep them in the yard.
I thought that this was a cute pic. We have a calf at the farm who doesn't have a mommy so they give him a bottle twice a day and he is always waiting for them to come. It doesn't take him long to suck down that bottle.
Ok so here is Sean's very first time actually holding a fish. He didn't really like it since it was very slimy and smelly. Yes, we had to hear all about the smell of his hands the rest of the day. At one point it almost made him puke! to which I laughed :) I actually like to hold fish and mess around with things like that. I did grow up in the country and I used to walk around bare foot in the cow pasture so this really didn't bother me. He didn't actually catch any fish that day, but he will try, try again.
Ok so this is the fish that I caught, (the really big one that is hanging down). Dad caught the next one and the stringer was getting so heavy with all of those fish on it. The weather was beautiful and sunny and just enough breeze to keep the may flies away. The water was very cold. Jamie got his lure stuck about 6 feet off of the shore and couldn't bear to cut the line so I volunteered to walk out in the water and get it. The water was up to my knees and it was very chilly!
Here is Jamie with his fish, the first catch of the day! He was very excited and so were we that there were actually fish in the lake! Dad was teaching Sean how to do something with his pole. Sean loves to learn from him as he doesn't really know a lot about fishing and it is probably best if he learns from dad instead of me as I think that dad has more patience! It also makes Dad feel good when he can feel smart....... right Dad:) I love to see the two of them bonding, making a lasting relationship and to actually have some interests in common. Sean doesn't really know a lot about farming so anything that the two of them can do together is great. I hear that the next thing on the agenda is GOPHER hunting.... Sean is exciting to hold a gun!
This is a pic that was taken after we grilled our lunch at Dave and Angels house. Isn't Sean cute in that shirt. He doesn't wear it very often. It makes him fit in well around the farm. The other pic is of Dad taking a nap under the shade of a big tree. He was just lying there listening to the birds and loving nature. I thought it was cute so I quick snapped a picture.
The day went fast and it was fun. We really enjoyed each others company and had a great time catching fish and can't wait to do it again.
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