Thats right is it a boy or a girl??? Nobody knows for now. We found out in mid August that we were about to parents. It was a scary time as we were taking it day by day until we knew that everything was OK. That meant not telling any friends or family until the moment was right. Have you ever kept a secret this big for 3 months??? It was hard but also fun for Sean and I as we knew something that no one else knew and we would glance at each other and smile and we knew just what the other was thinking about. This meant several trips and visits where we couldn't tell anyone. Like camping with the Youngbergs, and having most of my family home for Grandpas 90th bday.
I guess that I can't say that I kept it a secret completely. My best friend got it out of me right away as he knows me very well and when he asked I just couldn't quit smiling. So he knew, but I must say he did a VERY good job of not telling ANYONE until we told him that it was ok. Now if any of you know Duane that is not an easy task......
This is the picture that Sean and I showed our parents and grandparents. We had it hidden in a pile of other pictures. We also had it on our video camera and we showed my family the video of our Anniversary trip to Duluth and we had this picture at the end and my Mother didn't get it. Everyone else had to explain it to her. It was funny. We had a lot of fun making the sign. If you look close Sean drew the footballs, hockey sticks, baseballs and bats and I drew the flowers and butterflies.

I have been feeling great except for the occasional waves of nausea that creep up on me. Sean has learned when it is not a good time to hack up phlegm and eat sunflower seeds in the car:) Other things that have bothered me are things at work that never before affected my gag reflex. Such as dressing changes on a bed sore, Not a good thing! The sound of someone sucking there spit up with suction, Not a good thing! Vomit.....really not a good thing!!! But I have prevailed and am lucky enough to work some of the greatest people in the world, who are not afraid to help me out.
Below is a picture of our second Ultrasound. At the first u/s we got to see the heartbeat for the first time. It was the most amazing thing EVER. Sean said that it was the coolest moment of his life thus far. We never did see a heartbeat with our first pregnancy and so this really made it official for us. It was beating so fast and tiny, it really brought tears to our eyes.
These are "unofficial" Ultrasounds and we do not even get charged for them. Our doc just likes to give us a few min to see the heartbeat at every appointment. I know that it is hard to see but if you look closely at the second pic, Our baby really looks like an alien!!! Now everyone assures me that this is normal. But I saw a movie once.......... Well never mind!!! I asked the doc why it wasn't moving and so she poked my belly with the u/s wand and then the baby started to do somersaults and rolling around. It was the coolest thing even tho I can't feel it yet. They say that will happen in a few more weeks.
We are almost 15 weeks along, almost halfway baked. It seems like Apr 30, is forever away. But we can wait that long if that is what it takes to have a happy, healthy baby.
A VERY BIG CONGRATULATIONS! God bless all 3 of you! I thought you both were exceptionaly happy at Grandpa's 90th birthday the 20th of September but I figured it was just because you made it through your first year of marriage!
We are so happy for you and will be waiting for more reports of happy heart beats. It realy is a miracle! With Love and prayers!
Yeah for you! I have kept that big secreat a few times even when my mother has been down to visit. It is hard and a little fun at the same time. I pray that everythings goes just fine.
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