Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The bump X 3

Here we have the bump at 20 weeks

24 weeks

28 5/7 weeks! Don't ask me why I felt the need to pull up my shirt but I did and now you have to look at it. Or not. I will let you decide. Hey you can even make it bigger and make fun of me if you would like, cause I really don't care! You know why, cause Sean and I have been blessed thus far with this gift of pregnancy and soon we will have a REAL, LIVE human being to take care of. So I really don't care what happens to my body at this point. Enjoy and look forward to more pictures in the future!


Nana Porcupine said...

I absolutly love it! The cute baby bump and It really dosn't look that big yet. Usually the last month is the fastest and bigest change! We are so excited and yes, This is such a miracle and blessing only God can give. Try as they might, sigentists cannot improve or even accomplish a real live birth. We keep you all 3 in our prayers! Aunt Diane and Uncle Jeff

Frustrated said...

I love the bump and you look beautiful. Then maybe I'm a little bit biased.


Angel said...

My BEAUTIFUL little sister and my little Pnut!!

Melissa Sutton said...

I just think you are adorable. It must be totally amazing knowing that you are caring life inside you. Treasure up all these things and hold them in your heart just as Mary did when she was pregnant with Jesus.