Welcome spring!!! Here is a pot of flowers that was given to us by Sean's family at our baby shower. It has all kinds of spring blooms and we are having fun watching them open on a daily basis.

Happy 34 weeks as of today Wed the 18
th! These pics were taken at 32 weeks tho. Sean swears that I am growing bigger every day and I can tell that the "waddle" has really begun.

We had an ultrasound on Mon and the babies estimated wt is 6lbs 4 oz already?? Measuring 36 weeks and 4 days!! Wow
that's big. The head measures at 38 weeks and she told us that he has a full head of hair that we could see on the screen and his face is buried in my pelvis so we couldn't really see it that well. No good pics came out of that u/s as there is not much room in there anymore!

Let it snow! This is what were singing as Blizzard Coyote set its site on Fargo. We had a terrible day of weather on Tues. and Sean made it to work at 7A but was told to go home at 11A. So he decided to drive home and got stuck right outside our driveway to the building. He didn't have a hat with and he got some pretty bad frost bite on his ears. LET THIS BE A LESSEN TO ALL OF YOU! Keep a hat in your car. Anyway his ears were swollen and purple for a few days and now they are peeling, he is lucky that is as bad as it got! Here is the morning after the storm as the blower came to open up our walkway to the apt door.

You can see that the wind from the storm did quite a number on the sidewalk which wasn't even visible anymore.

Here is our open garage door as Sean couldn't get it shut after he left for work so he called me and asked that I go and figure it out. It was really hard clearing the snow off that sensor on the bottom of the door. Good thing he did all of the shoveling before he left for work.

Here is a look at the second floor balconies that are really close to some huge drifts. The poor people on the first floor can't even see out there windows or patio doors.

Here is an entrance to our building. You can see that the drifts are just as tall as I am and it would have been really fun to make tunnels in them. But I didn't see anyone else around that wanted to play with me so I went inside :(

Here we are a week later at the farm. Sean and I spent a few hours outside just enjoying the beautiful weather and sunshine. It was in the 40's and it felt SO great to be outside without the stinging wind on your nose and face. I could have stayed out all day. Here he is waving at me as we were making rivers with all of the melted snow. I made him wear a hat as it was nice out, but I didn't want his ears exposed the breeze that day! He smiled,
obliged and then thanked me for the good idea.

After we finished playing in the water we watched my dad do his evening chores with the cattle. Here he is shoveling poo and piss out of the water trough. Dad was quietly talking to the cows and reminding them that this is not a foot soak, it is your water trough and to kindly remember to keep your feet OUT of the water. Funny they love to step in it, but then refuse to drink the dirty water afterwords. SO picky!

Here is one of the only calves that I saw that wasn't all black. We have black bulls but sometimes the mamas marks come
thru on baby as you can see on this one he looks a lot like mama with his white face!

This cow was having a complex and decided to fight the bale ring. Not to sure who won either.

Here they are licking the "salt" block. We call it the salt lick but it is full of all sorts of other minerals that are good for them and their babies! Sean then decided that he needs to find one for Amber.

Here we have Jamie watering the cows in the barn. This takes a while as they like to drink "40 gallons" a piece as he so
politely put it. He doesn't mind really it gives him time to mingle and discuss the days events with them.

Creepy eyes!

This guy is obviously upset that he wasn't number 1 as you can see that his tag
said 2.

Sean then went into the pasture with the Dad and Jamie and me with my
impeccable sense of balance and inability to walk well on ice, went in the house and waited for them. He took the camera and I told him to take a pic if he saw something interesting. Here he has this poor little guy cornered just to take a picture.

This guys looks wet to me and a little cold. He must be brand new!

And finally here we have Sean. He is such a good sport. We went to a childbirth class at the hospital and at the end of the class the instructor asked the dads if they wanted to try out the empathy belly. It weighs 35 lbs has breasts and a big tummy.
Sean's immediate reaction was "why is there so much pressure?" " It can't really feel like this can it?" It was so funny to see.

I then asked him if he could reach to tie his shoes.......... Nope! He said that he now knows why I complain about so much pressure everywhere and trouble breathing. One of the other dads in the class said. "wow this would get a little annoying after a while!" We all laughed. It was a good class and we learned a lot about pain control and breathing methods to try and use to relax. We will just have to see how much we retained when reality comes around!
1 comment:
Oh Amber, Thank you for much for the post. It made me laugh and miss my family. Thank you for the funny stories as only you can tell them and for the pictures. I hope that Sean's ears are healing and that you are staying as comfortable as possible/
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